Saturday, 27 February 2016


Left: 100 Top coat
Right: 560 Spice Age
I'd like to think I have a healthy skepticism towards things that seem gimmicky. Often enough, they don't deliver on their promises.

I had similar hesitations about Sally Hansen's 'Miracle Gel', no-lamp-needed shtick. (I think the word 'Miracle' sets off my cynicism, to be honest.)

I was actually really satisfied with the results!

The post title is a reference to Frank Herbert's 'Dune' because of the nailpolish name. Spice. Geddit.
I had a hard time getting a clear picture, and this one doesn't show the nice shimmer as well so you'll just have to take my word for it. For not-wanting-to-start-over's sake, I let each coat dry for a considerable amount of time out of fear for ruining the curing process somehow. It took a little time, but it was hard as the proverbial rock and didn't chip or scratch the entire time I wore it. When I took it off a couple days later, it still looked freshly done, so colour me impressed on this one!